When you start university studies, you face the reality that you will need to cover the tuition fees at the university, the university residence or flat, your own expenses, and don’t forget the books and materials that will be required at the start of the course. These expenses will represent a significant financial effort for you and your family. But don’t worry, we have compiled some existing scholarships which you can apply for and which will undoubtedly be of great help.
These scholarships are offered by public bodies, although there are also private companies that offer scholarships. Let’s look at some of the main scholarships currently available that you can apply for to study at university.
Scholarships from Public Bodies for University Students Ministry of Education Scholarships (MEC Scholarships)
Perhaps these are the best-known scholarships, as they are offered by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and are awarded based on several factors and can cover different areas:
- Tuition: financial aid to cover university tuition costs.
- Residence: a fixed amount of €1,500 for students who need to leave their home to pursue their studies, ideal if you are thinking of living in a university residence.
- Income: in this case, also a fixed amount of €1,600 for students from low-income families.
- Excellence: a fixed amount ranging from €25 to €125 for students with a good academic record.
- Variable: depends on the family income and the student’s academic record.
University Scholarships Offered by the Junta de Castilla y León
These vary almost every year depending on the budgets of the different communities. However, it’s important to keep them in mind and check the websites of the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León to stay informed. For students who are or wish to go to the university residences in Salamanca, we inform you that the Junta de Castilla y León is one of those that usually has more open calls.
Scholarships Offered by the University of Salamanca and the Pontifical University
Universities are interested in having students with outstanding academic grades, but also those who engage in research work or are part of an NGO or specialized program. This is a way to enhance their prestige, which is why they often offer their own study scholarships, sometimes in collaboration with other organizations or even with private and foreign companies.
These scholarships are popularly known as “scholarships for excellence.” Occasionally, they also offer socio-economic aid and collaboration scholarships. The latter usually involve performing work at the University to gain work experience, which is also beneficial as it enhances the curriculum.
Other Companies Granting Scholarships to University Students Banco Santander: Scholarships for Education
Banco Santander is one of the companies that grants scholarships to university students each year; however, you should know that their number is quite limited. Visit the bank’s website or go in person to their offices.
La Caixa also offers scholarships for university students
We also advise you to check the information about La Caixa’s scholarships. They are usually oriented towards specialization and are normally granted for nine months, covering tuition fees and providing a monthly stipend.
SEPI Foundation Scholarships
These are scholarships for students who want to do internships in both public and private companies. They usually launch two calls a year, in May and September.
Séneca Scholarship: SICUE Mobility Program
SICUE is an acronym for the Exchange System between University Centers in Spain. This scholarship allows you to spend an academic year at a different university in Spain from your usual one.
Erasmus Scholarship
The Erasmus scholarship is part of the European mobility program and is one of the most famous and sought-after among students. It allows you to spend a year at another university in Europe.
From the Paules university student residence in Salamanca, we hope this information helps you spend your university years without having to worry about money.