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Maintain Study Habits During the Summer Months

At Paules Residence, we see how the arrival of summer is eagerly anticipated by most students. The final push of final exams brings a lot of nerves and stress, and the need to rest is inevitable.

During the summer season, people generally choose not to stay in the residence, and return home, which means reuniting with family and friends. They prepare for a real holiday that lasts a couple of months. They are not subject to schedules, can enjoy the sun, the beach, the terraces, some go on trips… And nobody remembers the books.

Consigue mantener hábitos de estudio en los meses de verano

Make the most of summer to review and settle the matters seen

Your first instinct might be to stash your notes in the back of a drawer and not look at them again until September. But honestly, you don’t even need us to tell you that’s a mistake. There’s always some subject where you’re a bit weak, and for the next academic year, you’ll want to start with the strongest foundation possible.

Studying for a degree is a process that involves continuous effort; the key is to be able to learn even beyond the grades obtained. In this sense, summer is the perfect time to expand and consolidate your knowledge. Obviously, you’re not going to maintain the same study pace as during the rest of the year, but setting aside an hour a day to review notes or delve deeper into certain areas can make a big difference in your performance in the following courses.

It’s important that you define your study space, just as you keep it clean and organized. It’s better if it’s a place dedicated solely to studying, where you can study peacefully. You don’t have to review your notes over and over; you can also find ways to approach the subject from different perspectives. Today, the Internet is an incredible source of resources. Try looking for a podcast on the topic you’re studying (there’s likely one available), there are also videos that can help you expand or better understand the concepts. Take the opportunity to review the bibliography of the different subjects you’ve seen during the course and try to read those books you’ve left pending.

Try to expand on the topic for the new course

Summer is also the perfect time to enroll in courses or workshops on topics that interest you and that you’ve been postponing throughout the year.

As you can see, it’s not about giving up fun or relaxation during the summer, but rather about also dedicating some time to maintain a study routine. At Paules Residence, we assure you that this small effort will be of great help next year. It’s a way to ensure that you consolidate the knowledge acquired throughout the year and that you start the next one with a solid base.

The goal is for you to maintain the study habit even in the off-season. The rest of the time, spend it having fun. We wish you a happy and enjoyable reunion with your loved ones. And above all, take the opportunity to rest and recharge your batteries to see us again in September and start a new course together.

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